How to Organize a Repository ?ΒΆ

It is important to have a common structure shared between all repositories. Yet, this is not currently a rule written in stone since this has not yet been really discussed. However, here is the current structure emerging from actual repositories




Repository root directory


Essential files that need to be available for maintainers


Conda recipes for generating Conda binaries


Docker contexts for generating Docker images


Essential files that need to be available for documenters


Essential files that need to be available for users


Git sub-modules that need to be available for users


Jupyter notebooks that need to be available for users


Essential files that need to be available for developers


C++ source code files


SCons configuration file for the C++ library installation


Python source code files


Boost.Python source code for interfacing the C++ library with Python


SCons configuration file for the C++/Python binding library generation


Test files


Travis CI configuration file


A symbolic link to the Travis CI configuration file


Appveyor CI configuration file


SCons general configuration file