What is the C++ Style Guide ?ΒΆ


Section under construction. Until further notice, please use the Google C++ style guide

  • A repository should contain at most \(1\) C++ library.

  • The C++ library source code must be located in the scr/cpp directory.

  • To install headers of the C++ library, a developer should use the following command in the repository root

    scons cpp-dev
  • To generate and install the C++ library binaries, a developer should use the following command in the repository root

    scons cpp-lib
  • The following command

    scons cpp

    should be equivalent to the following commands

    scons cpp-dev
    scons cpp-lib
  • If the C++ library is interfaced in any other languages (e.g., Python or R), the wrappers should be generated using the following command

    scons autowig


    In this case, guidelines proposed in the AutoWIG documentation are of most importance.